Byoshitsu de Nembutsu – Episode01-10 [COMPLETE]

  • Drama: Prayers In The Emergency Room
  • Romaji: Byoshitsu de Nembutsu o Tonaenaide Kudasai
  • Japanese: 病室で念仏を唱えないでください
  • Director: Shunichi HiranoShingo OkamotoMasahide Izumi
  • Writer: Tamayo Koyasu (manga), Tomoko Yoshizawa
  • Network: TBS
  • Episodes: 10
  • Release Date: January 17 – March 20, 2020
  • Runtime: Friday 22:00-22:54
  • TV Ratings: 8.8%
  • Language: Japanese
  • Country: Japan

Plot Synopsis by AsianWiki Staff ©

Shoen Matsumoto (Hideaki Ito) is a monk and also an ER doctor. Wearing monk clothing at the hospital, he chants Buddhist prayers, delivers a Buddhist sermon and treats emergency patients. Both patients and his colleagues are not comfortable with Shoen Matsumoto’s dual roles at the hospital, but he works brightly and sincerely as a monk and a doctor.


  1. “Prayers in the Emergency Room” takes over TBS‘ Friday 22:00 time slot previously occupied by “Marigold in 4 Minutes” and followed by “MIU 404” on June 26, 2020.
  2. Based on manga series “Byoshitsu de Nembutsu o Tonaenaide Kudasai” by Tamayo Koyasu (first published August, 2012 in manga magazine Big Comic Zokango).


Prayers in the Emergency Room-Hideaki Ito.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Tsuyoshi Muro.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Honoka Matsumoto.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Ryota Katayose.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Erika Karata.jpg
Hideaki Ito Tsuyoshi Muro Honoka Matsumoto Ryota Katayose Erika Karata
Shoen Matsumoto Tatsuya Hamada Mashiro Kojima Reiichi Tanaka Miyuki Osanai
Prayers in the Emergency Room-Kyosuke Tani.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Nuno Uraji.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Yuri Torobu.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Kaho Tsuchimura.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Junpei Yasui.jpg
Kyosuke Tani Nuno Uraji Yuri Torobu Kaho Tsuchimura Junpei Yasui
Taro Yoshida Saho Nagami Rui Horiguchi Aya Miyadera Shuji Segawa
Prayers in the Emergency Room-Ken Horiuchi.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Yoshiko Miyazaki.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Kimiko Yo.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Shigeru Izumiya.jpg Prayers in the Emergency Room-Miki Nakatani.jpg
Ken Horiuchi Yoshiko Miyazaki Kimiko Yo Shigeru Izumiya Miki Nakatani
Ippei Aida Oba-chan Wakako Shibusawa Kenji Miyadera Ryoko Miyake
Prayers in the Emergency Room-Masato Hagiwara.jpg
Masato Hagiwara
Junichiro Tamai

Additional Cast Members:


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