- Drama: Kinnikuman: The Lost Legend
- Romaji: Kinnikuman: The Lost Legend
- Japanese: キン肉マン THE LOST LEGEND
- Director: Tetsuaki Matsue
- Writer: Takeshi Takemura, Takamasa Oe
- Network: WOWOW
- Episodes: 10
- Release Date: October 18 – December 10, 2021
- Runtime: Friday 23:30
- Language: Japanese
- Country: Japan
Plot Synopsis by AsianWiki Staff ©
In November, 2019, manga series “Kinnikuman” will have a live-action film adaptation and production for the film is already under way. There has been a consensus that the manga series was impossible to make into a movie, but the planners intend to make a trilogy. The production team works hard and also face many problems.
Meanwhile, actor Gordon Maeda (Gordon Maeda) is asked to perform in the movie by the film’s producer. He happily accepts the offer, but there is a hidden past behind making of the movie.
- Gordon Maeda – Gordon Maeda
- Tina Tamashiro – Tina Tamashiro
- Go Ayano – Robin Mask