- Title: クジャクのダンス、誰が見た?
- Title (romaji): Kujaku no Dance, Dare ga Mita?
- Title (English): Who saw the peacock dance in the jungle?
- Format: Renzoku
- Genre: Suspense
- Episodes: TBD
- Viewership ratings: TBD
- Broadcast network: TBS
- Broadcast period: 2025-Jan-24 to 2025-Mar-??
- Air time: Friday 22:00
- Theme song: Elf by Ado
Yamashita Komugi is a university student who has lived with her father, a former police officer, ever since her mother died. On Christmas Eve, Komugi’s father was murdered and a letter containing the word “false accusation” was left behind. Using the clue, a man was arrested, however, Komugi later discovers that the man arrested for her father’s murder is the only son of the man her father arrested 22 years ago for the murder of a family. Together with lawyer Matsukaze Yoshiteru, Komugi investigates on two incidents from the present and past which seem to be related.
- Main Cast
- Hirose Suzu as Yamashita Komugi (University student)
- Natsume Hiyori (夏目ひより) as child Komugi
- Matsuyama Kenichi as Matsukaze Yoshiteru (Lawyer)
- Lily Franky as Yamashita Haruo (Komugi’s father / Former police officer)
- People around Komugi
- Sendo Nobuko as Yamashita Shizuka (Komugi’s mother)
- Hara Hideko as Kimura Natsumi (Haruo’s elder sister / Komugi’s aunt)
- Seino Asahi (清乃あさ姫) as Arisa (Komugi’s childhood friend / University student)
- People around Yoshiteru
- Morisaki Win as Hasami Yukinobu (Yoshiteru’s childhood friend / Lawyer)
- People related to Haruo’s case
- Isomura Hayato as Kamii Takashi (Journalist)
- Takiuchi Kumi as Anan Yuki (Prosecutor)
- Fujimoto Takahiro as Akazawa Tadashi (Detective / Haruo’s subordinate)
- Itose Soichi (絃瀬聡一) as Akisada Takao (Detective)
- Saito Yu (斉藤優) as Nishijin Makoto (Detective in-charge of Haruo’s case)
- Sakou Yoshi as Endo Rikiro (Death row inmate)
- Narita Ryo as Endo Tomoya (Rikiro’s son / Haruo’s case suspect)
- Yuda Kouki as child Tomoya
- Others
- Sakai Toshiya as Someda Susumu (Ramen restaurant owner)
- Nishida Naomi as Akazawa Kyoko (Tadashi’s wife)
- Nomura Kouta as Akazawa Mamoru (Tadashi and Kyoko’s son / Police officer)
Production Credits
- Original work: Manga by Asami Rito
- Screenwriter: Kanazawa Tomoki (金沢知樹)
- Producer: Nakajima Keisuke, Uchiyama Yuki (内川祐紀), Maruyama Izumi (丸山いづみ)
- Director: Tanaka Kenta, Aoyama Takahiro, Fukuda Ryosuke, Tanazawa Takayoshi
- Music: Okehazama Alisa (桶狭間ありさ)